Alcohol Rehab Columbus Ohio
Alcohol Rehab Treatment Programs in Columbus
Freedom Recovery is an addiction treatment center located in Columbus. We offer a 12-week alcohol rehab program designed to walk patients through their substance addiction and create a sustainable path to sober living. Our Columbus facility provides support and services from our amazing staff that is dedicated to helping patients throughout their addiction treatment. During our outpatient program patients will be receiving specialized care including assistance with detox program placement, therapy options, counseling, spiritual guidance, and are supported in a variety of other ways by our staff and community. The Freedom Recovery treatment programs operate out of our rehab facility and treatment center located in Columbus Ohio. With individualized care plans patients will receive support from healthcare professionals to support them in the most effective ways. We provide substance abuse rehab, intensive outpatient programs, counseling, telehealth addiction treatment, counseling, and more.
Freedom Recovery’s Faith Based Rehab
Through our faith-based approach we combine spiritual guidance and growth with evidence-based addiction treatment programs to fully support our patients in all areas of their wellbeing. We allow space for emotional, mental, and physical growth, as well as spiritual guidance to ensure patients leave our treatment centers stronger than before. If you believe our faith-based programs will be of benefit to you or a loved one please contact our team to learn more.
Treatment Center in Central Ohio
The Freedom Recovery alcohol addiction treatment center is located in Columbus, but provides outpatient and telehealth addiction treatment services all across Ohio. Our administrative task helps patients with detox program placement, and provides treatment options for substance addiction. During the 12-week outpatient program patients will receive a wide variety of resources provided by Freedom Recovery. We work with patients through their rehabilitation process with the goal of equipping them with the right tools. When a patient leaves our alcohol addiction treatment center they will have developed a new sense of how addictions form, how to break the cycle, new coping mechanisms, and an aftercare plan in order to make sure they’re receiving the support they need.
Personalized Treatment Plans
One of the ways we foster healing in our addiction treatment programs is through personalized care. During intake to our treatment programs patients will undergo an assessment to help us better understand the ways we can support them. Alcohol addiction and substance abuse is a unique disorder that impacts everyone differently. With individualized care we can offer therapy, counseling, and other services to help patients work through their addictions and begin a new journey of healing. To learn more about our Ohio based addiction treatment centers contact us today.
Payment Options & Insurance
Freedom Recovery believes in providing access to help for as many people as possible. We work with many popular insurance plans and offer a variety of payment options. All up-to-date Medicaid plans are accepted at Freedom Recovery.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program
Addiction rehabilitation is a very personal journey and should be unique to every patient. With Freedom Recovery we plan our programs around our patients in order to support them in the best ways possible. Alcohol addiction can be a difficult disorder to overcome, but with support from our medical staff and community we see patients create a new life for themselves and their loved ones. Our community resources go beyond our 12-step program to help patients after their rehabilitation is complete.
The Twelve Step Recovery Program
Freedom Recovery follows an evidence-based 12-step addiction treatment plan that countless people have used to break their addictions. We pair this type of treatment with our own faith-based treatment and offer a unique approach to healing. By integrating faith we aim to strengthen all aspects of a patient’s health during their time at our Columbus facility. Through prayer, meditation, spiritual counseling and guidance people going through addiction treatment will have opportunities to grow in ways that will help create a better life. The Freedom Recovery approach to fighting a substance abuse disorder pairs techniques that are proven to help with addiction while giving patients space to grow in other ways.
Addiction Treatment Services
Alcohol Addiction Rehab
Drug Addiction Rehab
Outpatient Programs & IOP
Addiction Recovery
Addiction Counseling
Telehealth Addiction Treatment Programs
Learn More About Freedom from Addiction
If any of the programs and services offered by Freedom Recovery may be of help to you or a loved one please reach out to our staff today. We would love to speak with you about what would most benefit you and help you to find a recovery program that will bring you the most success.