Drug And Alcohol Counseling Ohio

Drug And Alcohol Counseling Ohio

Substance Abuse Counseling in Central Ohio

Drug addiction and alcoholism are difficult diseases to overcome and can have a dramatic impact on one’s health and quality of life. Understanding how substance abuse addiction works requires programs specific to substance abuse. At the Central Ohio Freedom Recovery treatment center patients will undergo counseling and therapy specific to their needs, work through a series of courses with licensed therapists to understand the psychology of addiction, and will have access to addiction education to truly understand the functions of addiction and how it relates to their personal experience. Drug addiction often comes with a chemical dependency, which makes recovery without professional treatment extremely difficult.

We provide professional substance abuse counseling in Central Ohio and work to provide programs and specific treatment options for people no matter their level of addictions. Our team of healthcare professionals and licensed counselors provide the support patients need to put in the hours and work through their recovery all of the way through to the completion of our 12-step program. Together we can break away from substance abuse, drugs and alcohol, and create a new experience that will improve a patient’s life for many years to come.
The Freedom Recovery substance abuse recovery programs incorporate spirituality and faith in order to help patients grow all aspects of their health while experiencing treatment. If you’re looking for specific substance abuse treatment programs and courses or want additional information regarding our addiction counseling feel free to reach out to our Central Ohio treatment center today.
Working with a Substance Abuse Counselor

Working with a Substance Abuse Counselor

When working with a substance abuse counselor or chemical dependency counselor at our Columbus, Ohio addiction treatment facility, patients will work through how they fell into substance issues. Over many sessions patients spend hours developing a strong understanding of their substance addiction. This helps patients come to terms with their drug and alcohol addiction and learn how a chemical dependency forms. Addiction is a dangerous disease, but with the right counseling treatment and hours of hard work we believe anyone can overcome their chemical dependency.

During treatment a patient’s licensed counselor will help them understand their addiction, healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and provide additional education on strategies for living with addiction after their treatment experience. Part of what a licensed counselor aims to do is assist patients in building a set of tools for practical application that can be utilized after their initial treatment at our Columbus, Ohio facility ends. Our programs provide courses on coping mechanisms, handling stressors from work, social situations, family, finances, and provide additional tools to keep patients on their path to not giving into addiction temptations.

Each chemical dependency counselor has the specific certification, addiction counseling experience, and a strong degree of experience working with chemical dependency to provide helpful education to work through addiction with the patient.

We believe that the health of each substance abuse patient begins with counseling for addiction. Our programs and courses based in Columbus, Ohio are designed to combine personal experience, educational courses, productive hours in counseling, and practical application tools to help patients achieve a high level of success. We aim to do our part in helping the Central Ohio community break the harmful cycle of addiction while building up the patient’s physical health and spirituality. To learn more about our experience as an addiction and chemical dependency counseling rehab center, read more online via our website or contact our Ohio office today.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Drug & Alcohol Rehab

When seeking substance abuse treatment we believe it is important for patients to work with a licensed counselor who can help with practical application. Part of our work in counseling is helping patients work through their path to addiction. For some this requires hours of work to understand their past from every degree. During our counseling programs our licensed counselors select a specific path for each individual patient to ensure the hours they put in yield positive results. Substance abuse may start from something as simple as social pressure from other students or friends, and over many hours and days of abuse can turn into an addiction. As an addiction grows it can begin to truly impact one’s health in varying ways, and an addiction of this degree can be very dangerous.

With an emphasis on education, our drug and alcohol rehab programs utilize education courses led by licensed professional counselors. These individual courses allow a licensed chemical dependency counselor to treat the specific needs of each patient. Every licensed counselor with Freedom Recovery has been selected at every level for the specific programs we offer. Our chemical dependency counselor team is fully licensed and provides counseling for substance abuse as well as education courses to assist throughout substance abuse recovery. Our Central Ohio rehab facility also offers group counseling to provide a unique level of social work as patients support and grow together. To learn more about our drug and alcohol rehab programs and how to work with a chemical dependency counselor please call our Columbus, Ohio offices today.

Our 12-Step Recovery Program

At the Freedom Recovery rehab and counseling facility we use a 12-step program as the foundation to recovery and addiction education. This 12-step program is evidence-based and through hard work of varying degrees we believe anyone can navigate through addiction. During their stay at our counseling and recovery center patients will have regular sessions with a substance abuse counselor to work on their substance abuse recovery. Each licensed counselor offers their services to patients to ensure they’re getting every part of the care they need. At our Columbus, Ohio counseling and rehab facility we have worked with licensed professionals and spiritual leaders to create a program that includes both practical application and spiritual elements. Our counseling program offers a safe place for patients to explore the different levels of their experiences and come to understand that addiction isn’t something to be ashamed of, but something that with the right medical support, social support, and hard work can be overcome. Addiction can impact our home life, social life, work life, and interpersonal connections. Throughout our 12-step program a chemical dependency counselor will help patients explore their addition and guide them through the path to recovery. If you believe that our 12-step recovery program is the right fit for you or a loved one, call us today and we can walk you through the process of turning in application forms and intake paperwork. We are excited to work with you!

The Freedom Recovery Rehab Center

Our recovery rehab center is located in Columbus, Ohio where we serve patients from all over the greater area. At our rehab center patients are able to have a strong support system throughout the entire time they’re in our care, and we will provide a variety of helpful services like therapy, counseling, educational courses, aftercare planning, physical health wellness, spiritual wellness, and more. Through our treatment programs we provide an opportunity for patients to work towards a more fulfilling quality of life and to leave the cycle of addiction behind. During these 12-weeks our counseling team will create a safe and inviting environment for patients to learn about their addiction, express themselves, and create new healthy habits and positive coping mechanisms. To learn more about the specific certification, experience, and licensing of our counseling program please call our addiction treatment center in Central Ohio today.

The Freedom Recovery Rehab Center
Incorporating Spirituality & Faith

Incorporating Spirituality & Faith

As a faith based business we have thoroughly incorporated the Christian faith into our programs and are delighted to work with patients to improve their spirituality. Many of the Freedom Recovery staff members identify as Christian themselves, and some of our staff members have gone through similar rehabilitation programs so they have a strong understanding of what the process is like from both sides. We offer faith guidance during a patient’s stay at our recovery center in order to strengthen their spirituality along with all aspects of their health. We do accept individuals from all walks of life and never uphold our own faith standards to others. We aim to create an environment where anyone can find recovery and find a new direction in life. If you believe that our faith-based approach to rehabilitation is the right fit feel free to call our offices to learn more about our program, services, and what Freedom Recovery has to offer.

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Addiction counseling is very specific to the patient and their personal experience, and often looks different for each person. During our patient intake process a licensed counselor will go through the patient’s experiences to best understand their needs. Then the counselor will create a plan for rehabilitation within the program. We know that seeking treatment for addiction is a difficult process and aim to support patients through the entire time they are in our care. We believe that providing personalized care is the best way to serve our patients during their recovery journey. Depending on the degree of substance abuse, chemical dependency, and the at-home support system a patient may be eligible for our outpatient addiction counseling program. Contact our Central Ohio office to learn more about treatment options and how Freedom Recovery can best provide personalized addiction treatment for you or a loved one.

Personalized Addiction Treatment

Speak with a Professional at Freedom Recovery Today

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